Tuesday, November 08, 2011

OUCH...It Hurts

Oh my goodness!! I do love this little man and I am trying my very best to breastfeed him but boy what a painful 1st week. I haven't had any luck with my other 3 children mainly because I felt that I didn't have much support and wasn't sure where to turn. Bottle feeding, for me, was much easier but I know the benefits of breastfeeding are much better. I had a couple of friends recommend Newman's Nipple Cream to me and so I had to share. It has been a lifesaver. I had to get a prescription for it but it was worth it. I was using Lanolin, which was helping, but Newman's Nipple Cream was 100 times better. I just thought I would share in case it might help any other mom out there who is struggling with soreness.

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