Monday, June 30, 2008

I Love Flip Flops!

You live to have fun, and your sense of humor is downright goofy.
You are a big kid on the inside, and you have a very open heart.
You try to make every day feel like a vacation, even if you have other responsibilities.
Each day, you make a little bit of time to play and let loose.
Your ideal warm weather place: Disney World

What Your Flip Flops Say About You

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

"You are super laid back and peaceful. Not much disturbs you.
You're content with what you have in life, and you can't stand feeling worked up.

A lot of good things tend to come your way in life...
You're not too busy or stressed to let an opportunity pass you by.

Your ideal warm weather place: Hawaii"

Wow ... scary!
How do they know all that from just my flip-flop taste ... I'll never know.